You know. You have all kinds of friends and all of the friendships are different. You have the friend that you hang drapes with (all the hardware, too) without using anything to measure except a piece of cardboard that was part of the packing materials.....or a friend that you hang out with for a visit and you both decide you're tired and decide to take naps on the sofa and reclining chair, but you have to set the kitchen timer so you won't be late to pick up you kids from school.....those kind of friends. I also have YMCA friends who I keep in touch with even though you see each other more at the grocery store than at the Y. You know each other's children's names and where they go to school or college.....well, I saw THAT friend last week. And, instead of telling me what they were doing for Easter, she told me about the wedding that was planned for this weekend. She showed me pictures of all the things she had been working on out in their shop that had been made for the wedding. I realized after the first picture that she was planning a rustic/vintage-style wedding. After a few more squeals of delight from me, she invited me to help her! And I said "YES!"
SO, the first thing she asked me the other day was how was my lettering....I said it was good. I'm not sure what I meant....good. What she really wanted to know was would I write on some chalkboards she had made. I taught kindergarten and first grade for a number of years, so I know my way around a piece of chalk. But, I've visited Blogland and Pinterest, so I knew she wasn't wanting that block printing I taught my students. She wanted something more decorative and that sounded fun. She said not to get stressed about it, so I knew I was going to be okay. Most people who say "Don't get stressed about it." want your help and aren't going to be too judgmental over your efforts. So the last couple of days, I practiced my writing and tried to come up with some creative strokes. Now, the "Reserved" sign above is BEAUTIFUL and I was delighted when I saw it--but she said she painted the signs with a stencil....who knew? Great job, Susan!
SO, I got to play today.
The wedding is going to be out in the country at a beautiful and historic 1825 property.
Today's weather was perfect and tomorrow is predicted to be just as nice.
My friend had made several trips already to the Marks House with all the wonderful goodies she had gathered or made for her daughter's special day.
It was fun to decide what items to use and I was tickled to select pieces and start creating. I was glad I told her I could help.
I should have taken a picture of this room and the table BEFORE we started decorating the rooms. So many fun goodies to use for decorating!
This spot will get a fern on the little box tomorrow.
The house isn't really furnished, so a number of pieces were brought in to be used in the rooms and outside. The walls and corners were in need of attention, too. I believe this room only had the wicker table in it before the decorating began.
There will be some greenery added here tomorrow, too.
I used the bride's initial at the hearth and
her new last name initial on the mantel.
The wedding cake will go on this table.
Other friends decorated the room that will be used to serve the groom's cakes. There are going to be three cakes and they will be served from the coke crates.
There is a small seating area in this room. It was probably used as a parlor at one time.
I decorated the mantel in this room, too. I loved this wooden bread box that I put the large R initial in.
My friend had the best ideas.
You should have seen her board on Pinterest!
The ceremony is going to be outside.
Ferns or flowers will be added to a number of spots tomorrow.
This is the other side of the Marks House.
There will be tables set up on the lawn for a buffet meal. The tables will be decorated with white cloths, burlap runners, candles and flowers. My friend's husband made beautiful and rustic boxes that will hold 3 or 5 mason jars that will be filled with dozens of white roses, snapdragons, hydrangeas and other flowers.
And, I think I did okay on my
first attempt at chalkboard lettering.
Best Wishes for a Blessed Day!
Joining the Party:

Joining the Party: