

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mary Kay Andrews

The newest book
 by Mary Kay Andrews
comes out on June 7th.
  I'm looking
forward to a fun read.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Green with Envy

I love plants and receive so much joy in planting them and watching them grow. For the past ten years, I've mostly been using terra cotta pots. However, this year I made a change. My friend, Teresa, loves plants and has several blog posts featuring some of the potted plants that she has created. The pots were soooo pretty. I decided that I wanted some, too. I was inspired! I started looking in February without too much luck. As things got warmer, I had better luck...not at the two home stores in town, but at Ross, of all places! I found some good ones at T. J. Maxx, too. I'm not sure, but I think I heard those two stores telling Teresa "Thank you" for stimulating the economy here. Here's some of what I found.

I quietly collected my pots and then waited for the warm weather and the spring plant season to catch up with me.

The stores finally began to get in their spring and summer plants and I was there ready and waiting to make my selections.

I was busy for several weeks. I was planting, looking for additional plants and enjoying the process.

Here are a few pictures that I took along the
way as I started the spring planting process.

It doesn't take too long to plant the pots if you have all your supplies ready and assembled. This pot only took about fifteen minutes to plant.

I should have know that I was headed in the right direction when I decided to leave the terra cotta pots behind. Most of the pots I selected were made by the same company....Green with Envy! I think Teresa would be proud!

Check out Teresa's blog at BloomingonBainbridge
She'll be happy to see you there!

I'm linking up with the party:

Friday, May 13, 2011


I had this frog topiary that over the last couple of years had died and had seen better days.  I decided that I was going to try to rehab the frog so he could sit on my porch again and be enjoyed.


Here's what he looked like before I started my project.  I clipped off all the dead ivy stems so I would be able to start over without them in the way.  There were little pins holding the dead stems in place, so I pulled those out so I could reuse them later.  I got a couple packages of floral moss at Hobby Lobby.  I didn't have a pattern, so I just tried to apply the pieces of moss to fit the shape of the frog.
It was easier than I thought it was going to be when I decided to start the project. 
  Here he is before I put his eyes back.

I had two small ivy plants that I used to fill the pot and to get the frog started.  I also have a lot of ivy growing in my yard (I love ivy), so I tried to get some runners that I could use to start the covering process.  I found a couple of runners that were about a foot and a half long, so I placed their roots in with the two new plants and pinned the runner to the frog's body.

 I used a hosta and a begonia to fill the back part of the pot to give it some height and texture and a little bit of color. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.

Here's my frog about a month later. 
All the new plants are doing great and the runners that I got from my yard have rooted.  I am so pleased that I didn't have a problem with the runners dying and needing to be replaced.  I think my frog has turned out to be a real PRINCE CHARMING.

The Lettered Cottage


Thursday, May 5, 2011


    I haven't made a scrapbook in awhile, but decided on Sunday afternoon to start on a little project.  I have a special friend and I want to make a surprise book for her.  I haven't seen her in over 30 years, but I have a lot of pictures I can use to make her book.  I know she's going to be surprised and pleased.

She has this too cute blog and I nabbed my pictures right from
 her blog to make the scrapbook about her dog, Doogan. 
He's a real cutie and so is my friend. ;o)

Once I got the pictures, I started making a mess. 
I do that when I'm scrapbooking.
 Do you make messes?

This was a fun book to make.  I have decided that I like making
 little scrapbooks.  They are so cute and fun!

The page on the right has a pocket. 
 There are three extra pictures waiting to be discovered on this page.

Caution!  Creativity in PROGRESS is MESSY!!

It's starting to look like a scrapbook!

Oh, should I be doing some housework?

I think she's going to LOVE this scrapbook!!